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Beat the Clock


One player is selected to be the timekeeper – he stands on the center of thel circle with all other players standing around as hours in a clock. The player standing at ‘one o’clock’ calls out what’s the time?’ as they throw the ball to the timekeeper. The timekeeper has to catch the ball and immediately throw it to a random player calling out the position of that player (eg: ‘six o’clock’). That player then has to catch the ball and immediately throw it back to the timekeeper calling out ‘What’s the time?’. The game continues in this way until a player either drops the ball or the timekeeper throws to a wrongly named player. Whichever player makes a mistake moves back to ‘one o’clock’ and all other remaining players move up one space – if the timekeeper makes a mistake, all players change position with the player at 12 o’clock becoming the new timekeeper. The object is to stay as timekeeper for the longest.



Four Square


This ball game is played on a square court further divided into four smaller squares, numbered one through four. One player stands in each of the squares, with the highest ranked player in number one, lowest in number four. You bounce the ball among the players, bouncing once in the other Chanich’s square before that Chanich catches it. The Chanich in square one gets to choose the rules. Anyone who violates the rules will have to move down in the ranking, or be eliminated with another player rotating into square four.



Arch Ball


Players (10-30) are divided into two equal teams. Each team forms a line, one in front of the other, about arms distance apart. The ball starts in the front and must be passed over the head to the back of the line. When the last person receives the ball, he/she must run with it to the front of the line and continue passing the ball. The first team to return the ball to the original lineup wins.





One chanich is picked to be "it". All of the other participants are given numbers. The chanich who is "it" will throw the ball into the air and call a number. The chanich whose number was just called scrambles to retrieve the ball, while the others scatter about. As soon as the chanich whose number was called retrieves the ball, he/she shouts, “Stop!” Everyone must freeze in their places while the chanich with the ball is allowed to take three steps and throw the ball at whomever they think they can hit. The chanich who is hit by the ball is then "it", and gets a letter (S-P-U-D). The whole cycle starts over again. If one chanich gets all four letters (S-P-U-D), that chanich is eliminated from the game.



Tunnel Relay


Each team stands in a single line (players one yard behind each other with feet apart). At the signal, the first player of each team rolls the ball between their legs so that it passes through the legs of the other players on their team and is caught by the player at the end of the line. The player then runs with the ball to the front of the line, and repeats the procedure. The game ends when the first player of one team has again reached the top of the line. If the ball rolls out on one side of the tunnel, it must be brought back to the same place, and rolled to the end. NOTE: You can vary the game by having players run to front of line with ball between their legs, or by pushing the ball with their head, on their hands and knees.



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